12 Bottles

Sign up and you’ll get one mixed case of our selected wines (12 bottles total) every year at a 20% discount!

In addition, members also enjoy:

- Access to our library wines (when released)

- Priority to our small lot releases

- Free entry at our pop-ups/ bar takeovers (limit to 2 per year) and discounts on events.

Shipped to you (California)- $315

“Thoughtful Wine” Club

By joining the “Thoughtful Wine” Club, you will enjoy our wines at a discount, plus access to our limited release library and small lot wines shipped directly to you . In addition to acquiring our most limited wines, you’ll also enjoy complimentary tastings at our events/bar takeovers.

Shipped to you (All Other States)- $280 plus shipping

6 Bottles

Sign up and you’ll get one mixed half case of our selected wines (6 bottles total) every year at a 20% discount!

In addition, members also enjoy:

- Access to our library wines (when released)

- Your tasting fee covered at our pop-ups/ bar takeovers (limit to 1 per year)

Shipped to you (California)- $190

Shipped to you (All Other States)- $150 plus shipping