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Scientist, Humanitarian and Winemaker

One can follow many paths in a lifetime, switching trails with different life phases. Bryan started in the research lab of a large pharmaceutical company, until an unexpected offer took him to work in a remote corner of Thailand. For the next 18 years he worked with underprivileged farmers in Africa, Asia and Latin America, until an unexplainable feeling pulled him towards Europe to work in the wine industry. After several years, he finally felt the call back to the USA and settled in Dundee, Oregon. For Bryan, cellar and vineyard cannot be separated- the process of making a bottle of wine always begins in the field.

Bryan bottling Pinot Noir in the Ruwer Valley of the Mosel, Germany

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Artist, Linguist and Wine Enthusiast

Emily has always loved culture, art and the outdoors. She fell in love with organic farming and wine while working on her friend's organic farm in France. Later, she spent years in Portugal working as a teacher and translator and became a student of Portuguese culture, language and...wine. She's been on a journey into the World of Wine ever since, from translating a book on the history of Portuguese wine and doing her first crush in Portugal to growing grapes and now making her own wine.

Emily working our Zero-Carbon Farmed Pinot Noir in the Willamette Valley.

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